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Dr. Nasim Hedayati, MD

Nasim Hedayati, MD

2019 AVF Early Career Course
The American Venous Forum Fall Fellow, Resident and Early Career course took place on December 6th and 7th at University of California, Davis Medical Center in Sacramento. The faculty included Drs. Haraldur Bjarnason, John Carson, Steve Elias, Nasim Hedayati, Mark Meissner, and Peter Lawrence. The course had 42 registrants, with fellows, residents and attendees from vascular surgery, general surgery, interventional radiology, cardiology, and vascular medicine. Attendees hailed from all regions of the US; we had two international attendees as well. The course focused on superficial and deep venous disease and treatment in an interactive format, with hands-on sessions with industry partners, and concluded with a well-received game show “Password” to test the group’s knowledge with give-away prizes. The feedback from attendees about course content and organization was excellent.

Journal of Vascular SurgeryThis is a testament to the continued success of the Resident/Fellow course over the last 15 years thanks to Dr. Steve Elias’ tireless leadership. This year was the first year the course’s name was changed as we targeted early career physicians take advantage of this excellent opportunity. As membership in the AVF was required for the trainees to get reimbursement, we hope that the enthusiasm of the faculty and the benefits of the society will serve as an impetus for continued membership and contribution of these young physicians in the AVF.

Isaac Eisenstein

Thank you for the excellent course, well organized.  Practical, well-chosen lectures!
– Isaac Eisenstein, MD