Advanced Phlebology Webinar

Ruth Bush, Editor-in- Chief JVS-VL, President of the AVF
Tomasz Urbanek, International Committee AVF
Rashad Bishara, President of EAVLA
Paper 1:
Title: Varicose vein surgery after acute isolated superficial vein thrombosis in daily
practice: INSIGHTS-SVT study
Speaker: Thomas Noppeney (Germany)
Moderator: Willy Chi (USA / China / V-Win Foundation)
Discussant: Matthieu Josnin (France)
Discussant: Elena Goranova (Europe Bulgaria)
Questions from the webinar participants- discussion
Paper 2:
Title: Comparative eKectiveness of non-compounded polidocanol 1% endovenous
microfoam (Varithena) ablation versus endovenous thermal ablation utilizing a
systematic review and network meta-analysis
Speaker: Lowell Kabnick (USA)
Moderator: Joseph Ra_etto (USA)
Discussant: Zaza Lazarashvili (Georgia)
Discussant: Paola Ortiz (Uruguay)
Questions from the webinar participants- discussion
Industry-supported presentation: Update of Foam Sclerotherapy
Speaker: Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)
Moderator: Rashad Bishara (Egypt)
Questions from the webinar participants- discussion
Paper 3:
Title: Comparison of anticoagulation vs mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis.
Speaker: David Dexter (USA)
Moderator: Marald Wikkeling (Holland)
Discussant: Mark Meissner (USA)
Discussant: Mert Dumantepe (Turkey)
Questions from the webinar participants- discussion
Closing: Wassila Taha
January 18, 2025
EST 11:00 am, GMT 4:00pm, CET 5:00 pm, Cairo 6:00 pm
Advanced Phlebology Webinar
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