VQI Registry

SVS VQI’s 14 registries contain demographic, clinical, procedural and outcomes data from more than 800,000 vascular procedures performed nationwide and in Canada. Each record includes information from the patient’s initial hospitalization and at one-year follow-up.
- The wealth of data allows centers and providers to compare their performance to regional and national benchmarks.
- Each center and provider receive biannual dashboards and regular performance reports, so they can use their data to support quality improvement initiatives.
- Biannual regional meetings allow physicians, nurses, data managers, quality officers, and others to meet, share information and ideas, and learn from each other in a positive and supportive environment.
As part their collaboration with VQI, AVF thought leaders serve as volunteers on the committee that worked on creating and enhancing the Varicose Vein and Venous Stent registries, including participation on the Venous Research Advisory Council (RAC). Additionally, the VQI participates in registry education sessions at the AVF annual meeting.
SVS VQI Varicose Vein Registry

The VQI and AVF worked together to launch the Varicose Vein Registry in 2014. The Society for Vascular Surgery Patient Safety Organization® (SVS PSO), in collaboration with the American Venous Forum (AVF), continues to expand, and improve, the Varicose Vein Registry (VVR). By capturing only data on the treated leg, this recently enhanced Varicose Vein Registry decreases the data entry by 40%. The Varicose Vein Registry still captures all procedures that are performed in vein centers, office-based practices, and ambulatory or inpatient settings, including:

- Thermal Radiofrequency Ablation
- Thermal Laser Ablation
- Mechanochemical Ablation
- Chemical Ablation
- Embolic Adhesive Ablation
- Surgical Ablation, including high ligation, stripping, and Phlebectomy

SVS VQI Venous Stent Registry

The SVS VQI launched the Venous Stent Registry early 2020. . The Venous Stent Registry treats patients with symptomatic venous obstructions due to chronic thrombosis and/or some venous compression disorders. The Venous Stent Registry has been designed for both hospital-based practitioners as well as those working in outpatient facilities. A range of analytical tools allow physicians, data managers and facility management to monitor outcomes, all in real time.
SVS VQI IVC Filter Registry

In 2013, the IVC Filter Registry became the first venous module added to the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI), expanding the VQI to become a comprehensive arterial and venous registry. The IVC Filter Retrieval Report now provides periodic email notifications to physicians and staff regarding filter procedures current or overdue for retrieval. This feature allows physicians and data managers to effectively and efficiently identify and track IVC Filter procedures which require filter removal.

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Link to Venous RAC
SVS VQI physicians may request de-identified datasets from each SVS VQI registry for analysis. The SVS PSO Arterial Research Advisory Council (RAC) reviews and evaluates requests for datasets by investigators, who provide the RAC with a description of their proposed project.
Proposals are evaluated by the Arterial Research Advisory Council every other, and the Venous Research Advisor Council in the other months.
If investigators receive approval for their projects, the investigators then use the dataset(s) to support presentations and publications, based on SVS VQI data.