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The AVF Exchange is an online community hosted by Doc Matter exclusively for AVF members to ask questions, post cases for your colleagues and leading experts of the AVF, and share your best practices. Your posts can range from questions about insurance coverage to COVID-19 issues to best practices to duplex imaging. AVF Exchange has the potential to deliver great value for participating AVF members.

You may sign-in using the AVF Exchange button on the AVF web site or by clicking on this link.

To post a question, sign in, click on “Post Discussion,” type in a title and the question you want to ask – then just hit “Submit.”

To reply to a post, sign in, find the relevant discussion and add your thoughts.

Or, if you’d like to respond to a discussion you received in your email, just click on the discussion title, log in, and provide your input.

AVF Exchange Instruction 1
AVF Exchange Instructions 2