January/February Issue of Vein Specialist
Handbook of Venous and Lymphatic Disorders: Guidelines of the American Venous Forum, Fifth Edition

Peter Gloviczki MD, PhD, FACS
Roberts Professor of Surgery and Chair, Emeritus, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

It is with distinct pleasure and great anticipation that the editors of the Handbook of Venous and Lymphatic Disorders: Guidelines of the American Venous Forum (AVF) present the upcoming 5th edition to all members of the AVF and the entire venous and lymphatic community. Twenty-eight years after publication of the 1st edition, the current volume serves as testimony to the remarkable progress that occurred during the past 3 decades in the investigation, prevention, evaluation, and treatment of venous and lymphatic disorders. The enthusiastic and expert editorial team included Michael C. Dalsing, Monika L. Gloviczki, Peter Gloviczki, Fedor Lurie, Gregory L. Moneta, Cynthia K. Shortell, and Thomas W. Wakefield. This team worked closely with 149 contributors to produce the new edition with 80 chapters, covering the full spectrum of venous disorders, chronic lymphedema, and chylous complications. New or entirely revised chapters discuss basic considerations, diagnostic evaluation, medical, open surgical and endovascular management of acute venous thrombosis and chronic venous disorders, including varicose veins, post-thrombotic syndrome, venous ulcers, and deep venous disease. New developments in endovenous interventions for pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, pelvic venous disorders, venous trauma, tumors, malformations, and aneurysms are also presented and a separate section details critical issues in venous disease, including disparities in management and outcome, standards of office-based laboratories and accredited vein centers, coding and reimbursement, outcome assessments, and appropriate use criteria. The volume includes practice guidelines and consensus statements for each chapter. Color coding of the grades of evidence helps to indicate key recommendations of the AVF, an academic organization dedicated to improving the care of patients with venous and lymphatic disorders.
Written by the world’s foremost venous experts, leaders of the AVF, and international authorities, the Handbook has become the most important reference for both day-to-day management and investigation of venous and lymphatic disorders. Past president and Editor Emeritus Bo Eklof, MD, PhD, wrote an inspiring Foreword to the new edition. The book is dedicated to another past president of the AVF, pioneer surgeon and giant of our profession, the late D. Eugene Strandness, Jr, MD.
The Handbook, published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, is presented in an attractive, easy-to-read format featuring abundant colored illustrations and line drawings. It is listed on : https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Venous-Lymphatic-Disorders-Guidelines/dp/1032355670 Publication will be in hardback, and as an e-book, and is currently scheduled for publication in June 2024.
VENOUS2024 Interview

Anil Hingorani, MD

Glenn Jacobowitz, MD
President, The American Venous Forum
Villavicencio-International Session at VENOUS2024 Promises Thought-provoking Presentations and Discussion

Joseph Raffetto, MD
Vice Chair, AVF Board of Directors
Moderator, VENOUS2024 Villavicencio-International Session

Tomasz Urbanek, MD
Chair, AVF International Committee
Moderator, VENOUS2024 Villavicencio-International Session
Continuing the tradition of the Villavicencio-International Session and successful international collaboration, the session moderators, Joseph Raffetto (USA; AVF President-elect) and Tomasz Urbanek (Poland, Chair of International Committee), invite you to the Villavicencio-International Session the afternoon of Monday, March 4, from 4:30 to 6:00 during VENOUS2024.
After a very successful Villavicencio-International Session in San Antonio during VENOUS 2023—which included the AVF best abstract presented by Dr Rachael Morris from the UK–we are confident that the AVF VENOUS2024 Villavicencio-International session will continue the tradition of presentations at the highest scientific level. The wide representation of international speakers, high quality abstracts, and interesting topics focusing on deep and superficial vein pathology will provide an energetic and exciting session in 2024.
VENOUS2024’s Villavicencio-International session will cover a range of topics:
- First will be a presentation concerning the classification of stent failure and risk factors for further reinterventions in patients treated for deep vein obstruction from Thomas’ Hospital, Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust from London.
- The next scheduled presentation will be from the University of Rochester School of Medicine (Rochester, NY, USA). It will answer the important clinical question if higher CEAP classification is associated with lower odds of improvement in patient-reported outcomes after endovenous thermal ablation.
- Following will be Dr Paul Pittaluga from France who will identify the selection criteria for preservation of the great saphenous vein according to the principles of the ASVAL method.
- The next talk, from the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA), will explain how continuous sub-bandage pressure monitoring identifies a dynamic metric to characterize the efficacy of compression therapy.
- A novel paper coming from Countess Chester Hospital, United Kingdom, will address the question whether reducing the treatment time for lower limb superficial venous thrombosis is safe for the patient.
- Next, two talks will focus on compression syndromes. Dr GwenaëlJohn from CHU Gabriel Montpied, France, will discuss the results of the monocentric prospective study to validate a multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approach for Nutcracker Syndrome. Then Professor Sandmann from the Clinic Bel Etsge, Neuss, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany will present a talk about the hemodynamic consequences of pre- and retro-aortic left renal vein compression causing a surprising variety of symptoms and complaints, especially in patients affected by hypermobility spectrum disorders.
- The session will close with two quick-take presentations: Dr Antonio Solano from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre will present trends for interior vena cava filter placement during pregnancy, and Dr Rashad Bishara from Egypt will discuss the impact of great saphenous vein ablation on healing and recurrence of venous leg ulcers in patients with post-thrombotic syndrome.
We are confident that you will enjoy the Villavicencio-International session program, and that the topics and areas of research will be interesting, thought-provoking, and provide a forum for lively discussion.