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Physician-in-Training Membership

Physician-in-Training Membership – $35

Membership Criteria:

Physician-in-Training members are individuals who are physicians serving in residency or fellowships in post-doctoral training programs in venous disease and have demonstrated an interest in and commitment to the field.

  1. Physician-in-Training members are not eligible to vote or hold elective office
  2. Physician-in-Training members are entitled to transfer their membership to Recent Graduate Membership upon fulfillment of the requirements for membership in such class by delivering the following items to the Membership Committee:
    1. Written letter of request to transition to Physician Member (letter must include member’s new title)
    2. Letter of recommendation from member’s Program Director to the Membership Committee; without the necessity of filing an application for membership in such class

You will be asked to upload:

  • Curriculum Vitae which includes education, Board Certification(s), teaching appointments, hospital appointments, and a list of the applicant’s publications (if any) pertaining to venous or lymphatic disease
  • Letter from Medical School confirming status. This can follow completing the application and upload of CV
  • Your Program year and expected date of graduation from residency and fellowship

Membership dues are due at the time of the application. There are no additional application fees.

Medical Student Membership – $35

Membership Criteria:

Medical Student members are individuals who are currently enrolled in medical school who have a special interest in venous and lymphatic diseases.

  1. Medical Student members are not eligible to vote or hold elective office
  2. Medical Student members can transfer their membership to a Member-in-Training membership by delivering a written notice of same to the membership committee without the necessity of filing an application for membership in such class

You will be asked to upload:

  • Curriculum Vitae including education
  • Letter from Medical School confirming status. This can follow completing the application and upload of CV.
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